Based on the innovation practice of hidden champions from Chinese manufacturing, this project introduces the configuration logic and the micro-view of managerial cognition into the research. It proposes the strategic configurations for leap-forward development, and offer the theoretical support for the cultivation of “little giants” in China, for realizing catch-up and beyond.
研究成果《The Match between Structural Attributes and Content-based Orientation of Managerial Cognition: An Exploratory fsQCA Study of “Hidden Champions”》发表于国际商务领域权威期刊Management and Organization Review,研究成果《Thinking like a specialist or a generalist-Evidence from hidden champions in China》发表于管理学领域权威期刊Asian Business and Management,观点《培育冠军企业:区域高质量发展新动能》刊发于《求是》杂志子刊并全文刊载于学习强国平台。
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