This paper illustrates how supply chain (SC) analytics could provide strategic and operational insights to evaluate the risk-based allocation of regulatory resources in food SCs, for management of food safety and adulteration risks. This paper leverages data on 89,970 tests of aquatic products extracted from a self-constructed data set of 2.6 million food safety tests conducted by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) orga[1]nizations. The integrated and structured data set is used to conduct innovative analysis that identifies the sources of adulteration risks in China’s food SCs and contrasts them with the current test resource allocations of the CFDA. The analysis highlights multiple strategic insights. Particularly, it suggests potential gaps in the current CFDA testing allocation by SC location, which is heavily focused on retail and supermarkets. Instead, the analysis indicates that high-risk parts of the SC, such as wholesale and wet markets, are under[1]sampled. Additionally, the paper highlights the impact that SC analytics could have on policy-level operational decision making to regulate food SCs and manage food safety. The hope is that the paper will stimulate the interest of academics with expertise in these areas to conduct more work in this important application domain.
研究团队成员还包括:美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院MIT的Retsef Levi教授带领的团队以及浙江大学公共管理学院农业经济和管理系的周洁红教授、梁巧教授,以及多名博士生。
在整个研究项目中周伟华教授负责中国团队的研究工作,带领团队开展了大量的实地调研,洞察研究问题,与美国团队共同进行数据分析和理论架构。Retsef Levi教授带领的团队与中国团队共同探讨项目开展的理论和分析架构,并从国际视角提供其他国家的食品安全管理最佳实践。
日前,浙江大学管理学院周伟华教授团队发表在世界顶级期刊《Management Science》的研究工作,从食品供应链的结构特征出发,开发最新的大数据分析工具,可以通过数据来洞察食品安全的风险来源和在供应链中的传播方式,从而有效的遏制食品安全风险的发生,促进食品安全的改善。
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